Game Zone
AT AZ 2.0 you will find a new state of the art card reader system, which means no more tokens, no more tickets. Our arcade is bigger and better. Just grab a funpass, load it up, and swipe, play, and win. This is the only place on the westside that has this new system and only the second in town. There’s new games, more games, and we’ve even got a 6 person Western Shootout Shooting Gallery, where you can make hats fly, roosters crow, even bubbles, if you know which target to shoot. Top it of with a 20 foot high wall of prizes and you’ll find the AZ 2.0 Game Zone is truly El Paso’s 21st Century arcade.

Adventure Zone
Fun for the whole family
Adventure Zone offers fun for the whole family, the latest state of the art video games and redemption games along with the largest redemption prize wall in El Paso. Adventure Zone still has some classics like the Down the Clown, Milk Jug Toss, Skeeball/Iceball and more. We recently upgraded our game room with new games such as Transformers, Terminator Salvation, Monster Drop Extreme, Big Bass Wheel, SuperBikes 2, Monopoly Interactive Video, Wheel of Fortune (just like on TV) and more. Come into the Game Zone and play a large variety of video game favorites.
As is a tradition, you can play redemption games for tickets that can be exchanged for prizes… So the fun never ends! We now have “E-Tickets” that go directly on your Fun cards.
WARNING*** Adventure Zone is not responsible for any alleged incidents, alleged injuries or alleged theft and anything else not mentioned here. All of Adventure Zone guests enter Adventure Zone property at their own risk.
Monday – Sunday 12p – 8pm